101 Sit Ups every day until the end of March 💥
Want to strengthen and tone your abs? Join my sit up challenge and get results. You might also get lucky and win a prize!

When you do sit ups you are using your body weight to strengthen and tone your core-stabilizing abdominal muscles. And let's face it, doesn't everyone want great abs?
From now until March 31, join my 23 Day Sit Up Challenge and I guarantee you will see results. Not only will you end up with great abs, but by joining the challenge you can also win a sweet prize, AND be a part of my squad, always inspiring and cheering each other on. All you need to do is follow these steps:
Kato’s 23 Day Sit-Up Challenge 💯🔥💯
101 Sit-Ups everyday until the end of March 💥
At least once during the challenge, you must:
Take a photo or video. Post, Story, or Reel it 💥
Follow me on instagram and tag @katotrainmeplease 💥
Tag a friend 💥
Use hashtag #kato101
You now have a chance to win💥
At the end of 23 days you will have done 2,323 SIT-UPS 💥
After your 2,323rd sit-up is complete, make a wish and all of my positive energy will be at your disposal 💥
Use it wisely 🦅💥🦅
My favorite number is 23 if you hadn’t figured that out 🤣
Check out my instagram channel for more @katotrainmeplease
Have you joined one of my LIVE Zoom classes yet? If not now's the time! Put your health and fitness first. Wednesdays @ 6pm ET/3pm PT and Saturdays @ 12pm ET/9am PT. Click here to sign up and join in with the next class. I guarantee you'll come back for more.